
What is BentBox?
BentBox dubbs itself as the best place to sell nude photos. That kind of implies that its goal is to cater to the females which lends itself to a lot of content for your viewing pleasure. The concept behind the site is that you pay for a ‘box’ of photos – or a photo dump – provided by a hot girl who is in control of her own content and prices.
How does it work?
The site is modern and the homepage is set up for women who want to sell XXX photos. It allows the women to set a price for their pics and BentBox adds a commission on top of that. It’s not the cheapest way to receive your nudes but there are some big plusses. You can see which new boxes of nude content have been added to the site before you pay for anything and search for specific boxes and users by hashtag like #cowboyboots or #schoolgirl. Then pay for your box!
What makes it unique?
In the nudie world it’s always better when the female is in control. It means that she makes sure her content is quality and puts pride in her work – which ultimately means you get to see more of what is inside of her if you catch our drift. Plus – you get access to her box – her box of nudes that is which includes her sexy box too! It’s like unwrapping a hot and delectable Christmas gift via the internet. One which you paid for yourself which is a little less sweet.
How much does it cost?
Cost is up to the ladies who post on BentBox and there’s BentBox’s added commission on top of it. Some women provide cheaper content than others but with BentBox as the middleman and women taking 100% of their asking price – it can get expensive quickly.
Sexting101's Likes
- Pay for photo boxes or dumps, not just 1 nude
- Search by hashtags for fetish nudes
- Hot women
Sexting101's Dislikes
- Gets expensive quickly
- Caters more to the girls than to you
- Sometimes you don't love your photo dump